
About Us

Refreshing Manna is a non-denominational ministry founded on November 20, 2004 to teach the Word of God, build believers and ignite them to be instruments of revival, whose lives bring praise to God.


To impact believers especially in Orthodox setting to be a people of Praise.


To teach all aspect of the word of God in a practical form to Believers especially those in the the Orthodox settings.

To build Believers who will appropriate every aspect of the word of God in their lives, walk in their inheritance and bring praise and glory to God.

Cause revival in the hearts of Believers especially those in the Orthodox Churches who will in turn impact others and cause revival in their various churches.

To bring down the presence of God to make the people refreshed through acts of worship at every meeting

Our Values

Teaching the word of God in Practical form
Understanding the word of God accurately
Repentance unto life of righteousness
Quality Praise & Worship
Quality time in God’s presence

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