God wants Lovers

Sometimes ago, a rich young man saw a lady who had been attacked by armed robbers and stripped half-naked along a major road. He took her to a nearby hospital, ensured that she was well treated and paid the bills until her parents came. When the lady recovered, they fell in love and got married.

Three years after their wedding, the lady got a job in a bank and became very busy. Her husband did not want her to take up the job, but she did because she was desperate to work like most of her friends and contribute to the family income. She would leave the house for office before the husband wakes up and come back at 9.30pm. During weekends, she would spend a long time shopping and preparing different foods to be stocked in the freezer for the week ahead. Moreover, she was involved in a lot of church activities, therefore, they hardly had time to talk or have marriage act. The husband made her realize that he was more interested in her presence than food or money; he could take care of the whole family. She, however, continued the job, keeping her busy schedule, thinking she had no choice.

What do you think of this lady?

Do you know it could be you? God is the husband of all Christians. He redeemed all Christians from the slave market of sin and called us unto himself for a love relationship, but many Christians are busy chasing other things instead of concentrating on Him. Sometimes what keeps them busy could even be church activities but God says a close relationship with Him is more important than serving Him. He wants people who will love him with all their hearts as great lovers.

God created man for fellowship

When God created man, He had fellowship in mind. That is why he made man in his own image; so that he can be in the same class and be able to fellowship with him (Gen 1:26, 2:7, 3:8&9). Man fell because of sin but He demonstrated his great love for us by sending Jesus to die for us. He forgave and called us unto himself as sons and friends not servants or subjects. (Jn15:3, 1 John 3: 1, Luke 12:4).

He requires love and intimacy from you

God is calling as many as are willing to a close love relationship with him. The call is not for a selected few. In Deut 10:12, we are made to understand that God requires Israel to fear and love him. Those who are born again are the Israelites under the new covenant and we are required to love him with all our hearts, soul and might. (Deut.6:5). His love for us is everlasting as recorded in Jer. 31:3-4 and He wants us to respond to it. He is not someone who is lonely and needs social support but a benevolent Father and Creator, looking for vessels He can pour Himself into so that His glory might be shown in the mortal man. This is only possible through a smooth relationship.

Seek Him for a relationship not what he can do for you.

Many Christians come to God only when they have needs or problems to be solved. God wants to share His life with you, not just to solve your problems. He wants you to be His friend involving him in every aspect of your life. If make him a lover, everything would work out for you. He would fight your battles

Don’t seek him just to serve him.

On the other hand, some people pay more attention to the service they can render to God more than their relationship with him. Always remind yourself that relationship comes before service. In Luke 10: V 38-41: Martha welcomed Jesus and his disciples into her home. She had accepted Jesus as her Lord and saviour, but she didn’t understand what was more important to him. Martha didn’t understand the significance of staying in the presence of Jesus; she wanted to serve him and was much concerned about that serving. Whereas, Mary seized the opportunity of the time that Jesus would spend in her house to stay in his presence.

How do you rate being in the presence of Jesus compared with serving him? Are you concerned and jittery, bothered about different issues such as food for a programme more than staying in his presence concerning that programme?

Don’t view time spent with him as work or duty. He wants you to long for his presence, desire to spend more time with him compared with any other thing or person.

Loving God is a habit that you have to cultivate.

Loving God and staying in his presence is a habit that should be cultivated. It doesn’t occur automatically. Initially, it may be difficult to enjoy him but if you don’t give up, you will. It’s like learning to eat cucumber. Initially, the taste is bland but after a while you may love it so much that you will be craving for it. When I first gave my life to Jesus I would get tired after praying and reading my bible for only a few minutes. However, I continued to increase the time spent in his presence gradually and today I can pray or study for hours without feeling tired at all. In fact, after spending hours in his presence I always feel very glad and wish to continue but for other responsibilities.

A high level of discipline is required to form the habit but eventually it yields great dividends. The devil will try to stop you, he will remind you of many things while praying or studying to distract you but you should be determined to continue.

Only seekers can find him

Many believers wake up each day asking God for one thing or the other in prayers and expecting to hear God; they never realize that they cannot find God that way. You are wondering, why is it that God speaks to some people and others never seem to hear his voice at all. Those who request things from God may get those things and nothing more, while those who ask for his presence and are thirsty for him will find him, experience him, hear his voice and get many blessings as well.

Learn to seek him just for the sake of relationship and not because you want to ask for anything, not even anointing. When you live this way, God will make sure that you have several blessings including revelation, inspiration, direction, wisdom, answered prayers, provision, preservation. Psalm 31:23,

David was a man who understood this principle. He said in Psalm 27:1-6 that the Lord was his light and salvation, he would not fear anybody. He knew that if he sought Him and remained in His presence, his enemies would not be able to overcome him; God would hide him in his pavilion. He, therefore, concluded that he would desire and seek after just one thing, ‘That he might dwell in the presence of the Lord all the days of his life’.

The presence of God is the secret and source of your strength, keep close to him and don’t allow anything to destroy your love relationship with Him. Just like other relationships, you need to spend good quality time with him to build the relationship. One important thing lovers do is that they spend quality time together alone. Pay attention to personal praise, worship, prayers, studying the word, obeying and relating with him generally. Moreover, in whatever situation you are, always imagine that you are before his presence.


In every generation, only a few people understand and yield to the call of God unto a love relationship. Determine to be part of the few in our generation today. You will reap many benefits here on earth and greater ones in heaven.

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