You are God’s Crown of Glory

God has endowed all believers with his virtues and glory so that we can manifest his glory to the world (1 Peter 2:9).
In Isaiah 62:3, God says you are a crown of glory in his hands, still emphasizing that your life should beautify God like a crown beautifies a king. Moreover, just as a king’s crown is very special, precious and dear to him; you are very precious dear, and valuable to God.
The crown also expresses who a king is especially in the public. When people see the king with his crown, even those who did not know him before will know that he is a king. In the same way, you as God’s crown are meant to express Him; his holiness, kindness, power, prosperity, giving nature etc to the world.
Let’s examine some aspects where God expects us to express His nature and bring glory to him.

Lev.19:2 says you must be holy because your Lord is holy. This holiness does not mean trying to be good or keeping the ten Com-mandments. Your holiness is given to you by God and then your responsibility is to maintain it. You can make a mistake and quickly repent and retrace your steps; but you must be improving.
You must always act like sin does not have dominion over you. According to Psalm 15 you must always speak the truth from your heart, you must desist from saying bad things about people behind them.
When you live a holy life, you are representing God well, he will rejoice over you and He will be praised for your life.

Your behavior must bring glory to God. People should observe your life and testify that you are behaving like God.

In Psalms 12 v1, David was praying to God to help because there was no godly person around, nobody was faithful. You can see from here that being faithful is being godly. God is a faithful God and he expects you to be like him. You bring glory to him when you keep to your words.
Whatever you promise to do, always ensure that you do it. Psalms 15 v1&4 say that anyone who will dwell in the presence of God must be such who promises something and does not change. You prove the faithfulness of God your father, when you are dependable, committed and consistent. Your boss at work or your leader in the church should be able to rely on you.

God is kind and you too should be kind in order to manifest his glory. According to Col.3:12-15, you as the beloved of God, his holy people, should consciously put on kindness, patience, gentleness and other characteristics of the fruit of the spirit.
You should also put on bowels of mercies, withdrawing from people the punishment or bad treatment they deserve. Any time you act kindly or show love to someone who may not even deserve it, you are manifesting the glory of God and this will bring praise to him. Make up your mind to always be pleasant. Remember, you need to be patient with people for them to perceive you as kind.

Phil 2:3: You are expected to also put on humility. Don’t feel big, and above others around you. Don’t think it’s your ability that has achieved the things in your life. Have a simple opinion about yourself.
A lot of people are very proud in our world today. In fact many proud actions look so normal that anyone who does otherwise seems odd.
One day, I was descending a staircase in my office while another lady was climbing. I greeted her like I usually do but she turned back to appreciate the greeting and acknowledge that it was rare since I didn’t know her. Do you find it difficult to greet people first? What about lending helping hands to others to do seemingly menial tasks? Be careful not to allow your life to fulfill negative end time prophecies (2Tim.3:2).
You should respect everyone whether born again or not; younger or older than you, richer or poorer than you (1 Peter 2:17).

Don’t be concerned about your own issues alone (Phil.2:4). Be concerned about the things of others, be interested in others succeeding.

Spiritual Service:
God has made you a king and a priest (Rev1:6). When you exercise your authority as a king over the powers of darkness, sickness, and other forms of evil, you manifest the power of God and He is glorified.
When you minister to him in worship, prayers etc with all your heart as a faithful priest, He rejoices over you. You can then minister effectively to others and they will give him glory on your behalf. Ensure that you always seek more of his power to manifest in your life and never engage in a spiritual service using your own ability.

Psalm 35:27. God is happy, he is glorified when you prosper. Different people define prosperity is different ways but whatever is your own definition and that of the people around you; they must be fulfilled in your life.
Your life must be honourable in the eyes of the world (Isaiah 62:2). Remember that prosperity is not just prayed for or obtained in a vigil. You must work diligently, allow God to give you divine ideas, invest your resources, give to God and others and be close to God to allow him to bless the work of your hands.
Be careful to avoid worldly ambition, and the lust of power in your pursuit of prosperity. The reason why you need to prosper is not to show off but to glorify God. As he blesses you, learn to be moderate in all things, keep your life simple and men will praise him for your life.

Contributing To Your World:
Matt 5:16, God is blessing you so that you may be a blessing to others around (2 Cor. 9:8). God is a giver and you should have a giving lifestyle to manifest that nature.
Some days ago someone called me thanking me and praising God for my husband and I. She said we made Christmas interesting for her and her family because what we gave enabled their children who had been living with their grandparents to travel and live with them.
Any time it comes to your mind to give someone something, no matter how small, just obey and give, people will glorify God on your behalf. Remember that it’s not only money you can give others, you can also give ideas, inventions, products, services etc. You as a believer must not be useless to your society.
You must do good works that unbelievers can see and commend you. Ask yourself now, what is your contribution to your society? The bible says he that withholds corn shall be cursed by the people but he who sells it shall be blessed. (Proverbs 11:26).
Corn represents anything the people need. If there’s something the people need now or may need in the future that can come out of you, please endeavour to bring it forth. If you sell it i.e you are not even giving it out free, you are collecting money for giving it, you will still be blessed for making it available.
Last year I wrote a book entitled, Healthy Diet and Weight Control Tips and it has been circulating in different states of the country. Since then I have been receiving e-mails, messages, phone calls etc commending my efforts and praising God for my life. Make up your mind to have such a testimony this year. Do something that will be of benefit to others.

How Can These Things Be? All the things you need to do to radiate his beauty, holiness, sound character, power, prosperity, giving are in God’s nature etc. When you cultivate his presence continually, you will be able to manifest these things effortlessly.
Moreover, you should learn to pray ceaselessly that you will be a praise unto God, that you will manifest his glory (Is 62:6). You should continuously meditate on the word of God especially the verses that deal with the areas of your life where you have challenges in being like him.
Remember the inward man that can manifest these things is renewed, (made to be what it ought to be) through the knowledge of the word of God( Col 3:10). You should also confess the word of God into your life daily.


All the things you need to show forth the glory of God are deposited in your life, just co-operate with the Holy Spirit to bring them out for all to see and give him glory.

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